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    Update 1.03 is out!

    Aloha Gamers!

    We would like to thank you a lot for your great feedback on the forum. It provides us with a LOT of great ideas and information to continue developing the game! Based on this feedback we now bring you Version 1.03, correcting a lot of bugs and bringing a few new features.


    New Update 1.02

    Hi Gamers!

    Mainly because of the annoying “performance warning” window, 1.02 had to come out quickly!

    See the Release notes for more information.


    New Update 1.01

    Dear Gamers!

    We are pleased to inform you on the first update for MMX, Version 1.01.

    It is mostly a version correcting bugs in 1.00, only real new feature is a “back to beach” button!

    To install it, download and run the update installer in the download section.

    Release notes

