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    Screenshot Pozo Jump

    The development team of ” Windsurfing – The Game ” worked on providing a close-to-reality simulation of windsurfing.
    The aim was to provide as much as possible of the fun and excitement this sport gives.


    Realistic 3-Dimensional Realtime Simulation of Windsurf, featuring:
    – Accurate behavior of the windsurf
    – Realistic movements of the sea, variable windspeed
    – Multiplayer online mode
    – 3 different wave heat durations
    – Freestyle
    – Slalom Downwind
    – Jumps and Moves (Jibes, Table-top, Loops, Goiter…)
    – Score submission to the website to compete with the community


    – Processor speed greater than 1.6GHz
    – Windows XP/Vista with DirectX 9
    – Sound card
    – 3D-Accelerated Graphic Card supporting Vertex Shaders V2.0
    The Game was tested successfully on:
    – NVidias GeForce 7600, 8600 Series and above
    – Intel graphic chip 4500MHD