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    New Custom Location: Capetown!

    Today we are granted a great new location for Windsurfing MMX, the windsurfing spot of Capetown!!!

    We owe user “Surfsenne” on this one, it is again an amazing work with lots of nice details and great waves!

    Many thanks to him, for bringing even more fun to the virtual windsurfing world! Enjoy!!!

    To […]

    MMX was updated to Version 1.50!

    We just released Windsurfing MMX Version 1.50!

    In this release, the bottom turn animation was enhanced. Moreover, the scoring system was revised, because it was too much oriented jump. Therefore, jumps like Table-Top, Backloop, Push and Push-To-Frontloop were reduced to bring more focus on wave surfing.

    Also the slalom boards have more manoeuvrability […]

    New Tutorial: Create your own Location!

    Creating your own location for Windsurfing MMX is not that complicated!

    User “Windsurferdu77” showed it to us and brought us the custom location “Hookipa”, which can be downloaded inside the custom section.

    He also helped us to write a complete tutorial on how to create such contents, which can be downloaded here!

    So […]

    Download MMX Version 1.44 now!

    Following the implementation of online multiplayer gaming, Windsurfing MMX Version 1.44 had to be released quickly, and is now available for download!

    This version corrects many bugs that could be detected thanks to your help and big online sessions, thanks a lot for your great feedback!

    Now the development team can concentrate on […]

    MMX Version 1.42 is Available!

    We just released Windsurfing MMX Version 1.42 now available for download!

    This version adds online multiplayer gaming, up to 20 players can sail and compete together, plus 20 spectators to enjoy the show. A chat is also included (use the ENTER key to use it) and you can subscribe your email address to […]

    Installer Includes Full Custom Content!

    We just created an installer including all boards, sails, locations and fins created by the users.

    Some of you asked for an installer that includes all of the currently available locations, boards, sails and fins from the custom section, pointing out that clicking through all installers could be quite a pain in the […]

    MMX Version 1.41 released!

    Windsurfing MMX Version 1.41 was just released!

    It is mostly a bug fix from version 1.40, also enhancing the memory management of the game when using many of the new equipment skins available inside the custom section. Many of you submitted their work there, and the choice of equipment has become really comfortable. […]

    Version 1.40 ready for Download!

    Aloha virtual Windsurfer!

    We just released Windsurfing MMX Version 1.40! This version allows a much more accurate setup of your equipment, with some extra menus to adjust your sail, board, fin… It is also now opened to custom equipment, so many new boards, sails and fins will be available for download inside […]

    New Custom Location: Hookipa!

    User “Windsurferdu77” just finished creating this beautiful location (Version 1.0), enjoy virtual windsurfing on the Mecca of the Windsurf World!

    Congratulations to him, it really is a great piece of work. Moreover, the author is planning to bring some updates in the future, so stay tuned!

    To install the location, download and run […]

    Windsurfing MMX: The Official Trailer!

    Some would say better late than never, but at last we took some time to produce the Official Trailer of the Game! It is located inside the screenshots section, have a look and enjoy!

    For those planning to embed it inside their website, it is only a matter of hours to be available on […]